Cambridge Kulcha Listing

A listing of early music in Cambridge, UK, with a few other selected items of note, with a page of Musical links and Where shall I eat?
Notes for this listing can be found at the bottom.

Fri 13 Sep18:00 Gordon Cameron LT, Fitzwilliam Talk
Angel-musicians in paintings from New Spain María Teresa Suárez
Sun 15 Sep14:30 private event Baroque
Clavichord recital Francis Knights Buxtehude, Suites and variations
Sat 21 Sep15:30 Trinity CC Baroque CAOS organ recital David Ponsford 20th anniversary event. JSBach, Stanley & de Grigny
Please let them know if you plan on attending.
Sat 21 Sep17:00 Bateman Auditorium, Caius Talk CAOS Why does the history of the organ matter? Nicholas Thistlethwaite Please let them know if you plan on attending
Sat 28 Sep19:30 Lt St Mary's Renaissance
Music from Renaissance Portugal De Profundis Sacred music by Manuel Cardoso, Duarte Lôbo, Filipe de Magalhães and others
Wed 9 Oct19:30 West Road Renaissance CEM Monteverdi Vespers Solomon's Knot
Fri 25 Oct18:00 Catz CC Classical CEM Musikverein The Revolutionary Drawing Room chamber works by Schubert, among others.
Sun 27 Oct02:00 Britain
Summer Time

British Summer Time ends
Clocks go back an hour
Thu 21 Nov19:00 Downing Place URC Baroque CEM A Birthday Party for a King Apollo’s Cabinet Frederick the Great’s birthday party, with music from Telemann, JS & WF Bach et al.
Fri 13 Dec19:30 Trinity CC Baroque CEM Schütz: The Christmas Story Arcangelo music by Schütz and his contemporaries
Fri 7 Feb18:00 Catz CC Renaissance CEM Time Stands Still Peter Croton Songs of John Dowland and his contemporaries
with L'Isola Ensemble
Thu 6 Mar19:30 Trinity CC Renaissance CEM The Prince of Music Stile Antico Palestrina’s most beloved and timeless motets and gems by other leading composers active in Rome


The information here is liable to be updated at short notice, as events are discovered, often hanging from church railings.
It is the intention that this provides as complete a listing of early music in Cambridge as I can manage.
Please follow the links to the original information, which may be more accurate.
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